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The best criminal lawyers Dubai: Why consult them?

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Criminal lawyers Dubai

Criminal law in the UAE differentiates between prohibited and permissible conduct. In this article, you will read about criminal lawyers Dubai. And examples of criminal cases that the Younes al Balushi law firm handles with their expert, highly trained advocates.

If you need assistance with your case, contact the office of Younis Mohammed Al Balushi. Whatsapp: Click here. address: Sobha Ivory 1 – Al Amal St – Business Bay – Dubai. Phone number: 00971589984123.

Criminal lawyers Dubai: Why consult them?

Criminal law covers many aspects of crime. Younes Al Balushi law firm has the best criminal lawyer in UAE with the experience and knowledge to represent the accused.

Criminal lawyers dubai are crucial in defending the rights and interests of individuals and businesses facing criminal charges. Expert guidance and representation are available from them since they are knowledgeable about UAE criminal laws and procedures.

The likelihood of a favorable outcome increases when a qualified criminal lawyer is retained, regardless of whether the charges are minor or severe. For proper support and representation in Dubai, it is essential to research and find reputable lawyers.

They can prepare legal notice format in UAE as quickly as possible. Here are examples of criminal cases that the Younes al Balushi law firm can handle:

Financial Crime in Dubai.

Money, property, or financial instruments are abused in financial crimes. It is common for criminals to commit these crimes to gain personal financial gain. There are also situations where people are duped by a third party or lose their money due to ignorance of financial crimes. In any case of financial crime, you can rely on our expert criminal lawyers Dubai to defend you with equal vigor and expertise.

UAE courts receive many cases relating to financial crime in different forms. Here are a few examples:

  • Returning checks.
  • The fraud of loans.
  • False credit card charges.
  • The laundering of money.

Drug Crimes in Dubai.

The UAE has strict drug-related laws. According to the Dubai Department of Correction, several individuals were found with traces of drugs. They lack good legal representation in court; they have been imprisoned for more than four years. The UAE classifies many prescription and over-the-counter drugs as illegal substances.

Younes al Balushi law firm team provides representation in drug-related crimes throughout the UAE, as professional criminal lawyers dubai:

  • Possession of drugs.
  • Consumption by individuals.
  • Trafficking in drugs.
  • Transporting drugs.

Sexual Crimes in UAE.

Various unwanted sexual behaviors fall under the category of sexual assault and crimes. Throughout the UAE, all types of crimes are punished severely.

Furthermore, even adults are prohibited from having consensual sex in the UAE. If you are an expat, being convicted of a sexual crime can result in jail time, the death penalty, fines, and deportation so you will need a lawyer urgently.

In addition, it is stigmatized by society. Despite prison, officials and fellow inmates look down upon criminal offenders.

Criminal case examples Dubai.

It is essential, however, to distinguish criminal cases from civil cases clearly. In terms of society or the state, crimes are offenses against it. It is common for individuals to disagree about their legal obligations towards each other in civil cases.

The best Criminal lawyers in Dubai know the difference in the punishment for criminal and civil cases. Each offense may have a different criminal law case:

  • A misdemeanor is a minor and a petty crime. Fines or jail time of less than a year are the punishments for misdemeanors. In addition to petty theft, driving under the influence, and having alcohol in possession of a minor, misdemeanors also include driving under the influence.
  • A felony is a crime of significant severity that can result in incarceration for more than one year.
  • Death or life imprisonment are the punishments for capital crimes. A capital crime is a murder or rape. Crimes involving capital punishment involve a deliberate act that necessitates the execution of a premeditated act.
  • Finance is the only punishment for minor crimes. In most cases, petty crimes do not require filing a court case or holding a trial. Unintentionally injuring livestock owned by another is considered a minor crime, and a fine of 5000 Dirdirhams would be imposed on the assailant for the injury.

Our Criminal lawyers in Dubai know how to deal with other offenses like:

  • Harassment, injury, and abuse are considered assault and battery.
  • Explosions and fires intentionally set to cause property damage are examples of arson. It is usually punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
  • Robbery, especially armed robbery, can be punishable by severe penalties.
  • Abuse of children is another serious crime, and Abusers of children can face lengthy prison sentences.
  • Those who kidnap someone for ransom are in the criminal law category of kidnapping for ransom. When minors are kidnapped or when kidnappings occur during carjackings, kidnapping cases get more severe punishments.
  • Crimes of hatred are violent acts perpetrated against people of a different race, religion, or sexual orientation.
  • Criminal law cases of manslaughter occur when an individual unintentionally kills someone.

Common questions about criminal lawyers in Dubai.

Here are the most common questions about criminal lawyers in Dubai and the answers.

Some of the top criminal lawyers in Dubai can take any criminal case, but we consider Younes al Balushi one of the best advocates in Dubai. Phone number: 00971589984123.
There can be much riding on the outcome of a severe criminal charge like murder. Getting access to expert witnesses might be difficult without a criminal lawyer on your side.
Trial and courtroom representation. Clients will receive legal advice from them during the trial and be assisted in preparing for it. Criminal justice lawyers may question witnesses, present evidence, and conduct cross-examinations if the court permits.

Learn more about the topic. We recommend you read about the best Criminal Lawyers In Dubai and consult the Best criminal lawyer in UAE.

بقلم المستشار القانوني

المستشار القانوني في مكتب يونس محمد البلوشي. مستشار قانوني لديه إجازة في القانون وله أبحاث ومقالات قانونية عديدة تم نشرها في أهم المجالات العالمية التي تعنى بالشأن القانوني. مثل: - مجلة الندوة للدراسات القانونية. - المجلة الدولية القانونية. - مجلة العلوم السياسية والقانون. كما له عدة دراسات لحالات وقضايا في تخصصات مختلفة: كالقانون الدولي, القانون الجنائي, قانون المعاملات المدنية, قانون المعاملات التجارية وغير ذلك. المستشار القانوني في مكتب يونس محمد البلوشي للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية لديه سنوات عديدة من الخبرة وباع طويل في الترافع أمام محاكم دبي ومختلف محاكم الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

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