Family lawyers in Abu Dhabi
2022-10-18You can contact one of the most prominent family lawyers in Abu Dhabi at the office of lawyer Al Shamsi today if you are a member of our clientele in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, as divorce has become one of the biggest challenges facing families in the United Arab Emirates, especially in societies where Arabic and Islam are predominant.
The spread of divorce in recent years has caused an increase in fear and terror among people living in these countries.
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Family Lawyers in Abu Dhabi.
Family affairs are the term used to describe everything that has to do with a family since the beginning of its existence and the hardships and difficulties it has to endure during its life. Thus, a family lawyer is a lawyer who is specialized in handling all family issues from A to Z, namely the following family issues:
- Marriage contract:
To complete the marriage contract with the legal authorities and register the agreement with the Sharia courts, a lawyer specializing in family law helps the spouses and takes them in hand to complete the contracts. An example would be the marriage of an Emirati military officer to a foreigner. - Completion of divorce transactions:
A family affairs lawyer can help both spouses resolve a dispute if one or both are interested in ending their marriage, and they can bring their views closer to resolving the issue, in addition to nominating the appropriate arbitrators to assist them in settling. In case of divorce, this will facilitate the process in the courts. - Follow-up on all family affairs:
Different types of family information, for instance, who is entitled to custody and alimony, the collection of alimony or maintenance payments, and how to file a complaint with a court to increase alimony or maintenance and other matters. - Follow-up issues of inheritance distribution among members of the same family:
This is when the attorney for the family affairs clarifies the amount each heir will receive according to the law, thereby ending many problems, disputes, and lawsuits that could result in the heirs suing the law courts, which would be useless.
Family lawyers are essential for every family in the United Arab Emirates as they provide them with legal assistance in all legal issues that interfere with the daily lives of any family member. The lawyer here is a friend, a reputable advisor, and a secretary to the family.
Al Shamsi Law Firm and Legal Consultations have many family lawyers in Abu Dhabi who specialize in their field. They have a proven track record for handling family disputes in a way conducive to harmony throughout a family.
Best Family lawyers in Dubai.
As a result of the Personal Status Law (the law that specifies what is required to resolve disputes between family members) which are defined under the Personal Status Law (marriage, divorce, custody, civil, will, guardianship, alimony, inheritance).
There are many types of family lawyers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai that specialize in providing legal services and solutions that will assist in resolving family disputes.
As a law office owned and operated by Al Shamsi, we have been a constant commitment to our clients with regards to ensuring that the legal actions therein are followed to obtain the best possible results in the court cases that they are facing, as well as being committed to provide full support in the following areas:
- There is no legal difficulty associated with marriage transactions because all necessary measures and procedures are followed.
- Family lawyers in Abu Dhabi and divorce lawyers in Dubai also provide the client with legal advice and support during the divorce process and in any other circumstances associated with the divorce and its legal issues.
- There will be a discussion about alimony and its issues, such as the amount of maintenance, how the children would be supported, how the wife would be supported, and what the housing situation would be.
Child custody in UAE.
UAE divorce procedures are complex regarding guardianship and custody of children. It is worth noting that UAE regulations on child care and related freedoms, as well as the concept of ‘guardian’ and ‘custodian’ in regulations concerning child care, are designed solely to ensure and safeguard the well-being of children, as well as provide an unusual concept of ‘guardian’ and ‘custodian’.
The father’s responsibility is to provide financial support for a child, while the mother’s responsibility is to raise and foster the child. The guardian must provide financial support for the child, and the custodian is to care for the child in the nursery, nurturing and raising him.
UAE courts allow expats to apply their national origin laws when specific circumstances are met. If you need advice on the legitimacy and advantages of a particular legal decision, you can consult our family lawyers in Abu Dhabi or our divorce lawyers in the UAE.
If you need custodial law advice, always choose legal offices with some field experience. In the UAE, our family lawyers have the expertise to handle the most complex and delicate authority cases involving kidnapping and abuse of children under the watchful eyes of the UAE and Dubai courts.
Always contact only the most reputable law firms for advice, like our firm of Younes Al Shamsi. We offer the best divorce lawyer advice and legal counsel in the emirates based on your needs from our top family lawyers in Abu Dhabi and the whole UAE.
Guardianship Terms.
It is clarified in Articles 143 and 144 of the second chapter of the Personal Status Law that the custodian must meet the following conditions:
- The custodian must be mentally sound, and it is necessary to contact the custodian.
- Custodians must be adults.
- Honesty must be his guiding principle.
- The custodian is to raise and care for the child.
- There are no severe infectious diseases present in the incubator.
- A prior conviction for honor and honor crimes should not have been imposed on him/her.
The following are additional conditions that must be met for the mother to have the right to custody of the children and the father to have the right to possession of the children.
In case the custody of the mother:
- Mothers are not allowed to marry another man or lose custody of their children unless the court determines this is contrary to the child’s best interests.
- A mother’s right to custody will be forfeited if her religion is not different from that of the child unless the judge determines that it is contrary to what is in the child’s best interest.
- Regardless of whether the child is male or female, the custody period, in this case, cannot exceed five years.
In the event of custody of the father:
To provide them with care, he needs to have a woman capable of taking care of them in the house, such as his sister, mother, or another spouse. In religion, the father and child are united.
Four cases are forfeiting custody rights in the UAE.
In the UAE, an individual loses custody rights in these four cases:
- A judicially sentenced individual may be required to serve a temporary or life sentence of imprisonment.
- An indecent assault or rape conviction from a court.
- If he is convicted of endangering children and sentenced by a court.
- Custody conditions not met
Best divorce lawyer Dubai.
In a divorce case, attorneys in Dubai are legally required to explain each party’s rights and obligations.
Any person in this situation should consult a divorce lawyer in Dubai, or you can benefit from our top family lawyers in Abu Dhabi if you live there to boost the legitimacy of their separation, as they have the legal authority to be their lawful representative.
Due to this, law offices and firms such as Younis Al Shamsi, one of Dubai’s top law firms, frequently deal with such cases.
In addition to offering clients the necessary assistance in terminating relationships within legal parameters and gaining the full benefits they are entitled to, the firm devotes its legitimate efforts to assisting clients with their divorce issues.
To provide full legal assistance as required by the accompanying documents and to comply with all legitimate demands from legal customers.
An initial meeting is held between the client and the lawyer, discussing the reasons for divorce and the legal arrangements. A lawyer’s role is to intervene and accommodate by religion and law.
An authoritative document is provided after divorce (in contrast to common consent – khula – the disintegration of marriage) – that can occur for a variety of reasons, including disease, injury, disunity, belittling and misfortune, sterility, medical issues of one of the life partners that prevent the marriage from completing, or non-executed settlements).
There is a legal office in Dubai that offers legitimate assistance and proposals tailored to your particular situation. With the help of the best Dubai lawyers and law firms in various legitimate disciplines, you can contact and visit the best law offices in Dubai for fair use and legitimate proposals. To contact us, click here.
We recommend you read family dispute lawyer and law firms in UAE.

مستشار قانوني لديه إجازة في القانون وله أبحاث ومقالات قانونية عديدة تم نشرها في أهم المجالات العالمية التي تعنى بالشأن القانوني. مثل:
– مجلة الندوة للدراسات القانونية.
– المجلة الدولية القانونية.
– مجلة العلوم السياسية والقانون.
كما له عدة دراسات لحالات وقضايا في تخصصات مختلفة: كالقانون الدولي, القانون الجنائي, قانون المعاملات المدنية, قانون المعاملات التجارية وغير ذلك.